Non-payment of certification fees by GSC
The EVE Vegan team regrets to announce that following the recent actions of GSC company (Global Standard Certification) we are no longer able to respond to requests for certification in South Korea.
As a reminder, our exclusive partnership with GSC company ended on 11 April 2024, ahead of schedule on 30 June 2024, due to their sudden withdrawal from clients services and a denigration campaign in the media. You therefore received an initial notification from us on 11 April on this subject.
In addition, in retaliation for the end of the collaboration, the company’s director, Jackie Jun, has refused to pay the fees owed to the EVE Vegan® brand since 1st February 2024. As a result, EVE has had to put its South Korea team on leave for the month of June.
We also noted that GSC company continues to contract new assignments and collect payments even though it has not been authorized to do so since 11 April 2024.
Impact on our certification services in South Korea
In view of the economic impact of this non-payment, no new applications from South Korea will be processed this month. Ongoing applications have also been put on hold.
In addition, certificates for which certification fees have not been paid by the GSC company will be analyzed to determine whether they should be cancelled (certificates with an issue date between 1 February and 30 May 2024).
We therefore advise you to contact GSC company for further information if your certificates are affected in order to obtain reimbursement of the costs involved.
Here’s the contact:
Jackie Jun (全 齋 昑)
Managing Director
Impact on KFQ certification renewals
We had signed a partnership with KFQ (Korean Foundation for Quality) for the continuity of certification renewal assignments from 1 July 2024.
For the same reasons mentioned above, these certification assignments have been suspended until further notice.
KFQ is not responsible for the situation, and we would like to thank their teams for their support. On our instructions, they are obliged to suspend their services dedicated to the EVE Vegan® certification mark.
Developments in the situation
We regret this situation, which is beyond our will, and will keep you informed of developments during the month of June.
Best regards,
Hélène Modrzejewski
Manager and Founder of EVE Vegan® certification mark