eve vegan
anniversary 5 years

EVE Vegan® celebrates its 5th anniversary!

EVE Vegan® is pleased to celebrate its 5th anniversary in September 2021. We would like to take this opportunity to warmly thank all of our clients, but also all of our collaborators and partners who have worked hard on the development of a unique service such as the EVE Vegan® certification mark.

Braving obstacles together and moving forward to reach new heights: You trusted us, you supported us. There was nothing more precious for such an ambitious project. We hope to continue to collaborate with all of you and continue to grow. This anniversary is the occasion to communicate you our new documentation, rich of five years of experience and sharing. We are sure you will appreciate it. See you soon!


The EVE Vegan® certification mark is a certification program mastered by Expertise Vegan Europe (EVE) whose objective is to evaluate the conformity of products and processes according to the criteria established in the EVE Vegan® standards of conformity. The objective is to guarantee compliance over time with the minimum requirements for the use of the vegan claim on products or services. By signing up with the EVE Vegan® certification mark, you agree to comply with the certification procedure and the criteria of the standard throughout the duration of the certification.

The rules of manufacturing and good industrial practices relating to vegan products are detailed in the compliance referential and are subject to control procedures by Expertise Vegan Europe, an independent organization developed in accordance with the international standards of the certification bodies. The duration of the certification of the products is 18 months, renewable, and all the verification operations are repeated at the end of each certification cycle. For more information please refer to our documentation.